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The FiNC Tank Podcast

Ask the Founder Miniseries: Episode 1

85% of Americans say that campaign costs make it difficult for decent individuals to run for office. 

84% of Americans believe that lobbyists and special interest groups have too much influence in politics.

Cerda, A & Daniller, A. (2023, October 23). 7 facts about Americans’ views of money in politics.Pew Research Center. 

Politicians spend approximately 20 to 30 hours per week dialing for dollars instead of interacting with the public. 

Doyle, B. (2022, July 21). Phillips introduces legislation to ban members of Congress from fundraising on the taxpayers’ time. U.S. Representative Dean Phillips.,work%20of%20being%20a%20member. 

Approximately 88% of congressional races are won by the candidate who spent the most money. 

Hua, C. (2021, May 8). Campaign Finance: How did Money Influence 2020 U.S. Senate Elections?. 

63% of Americans support a third party.

Jones, J. M. (2024, February 7). Support for third U.S. political party up to 63%. 

After the Supreme Court case with Citizens United, outside spending went from $750 million to approximately $4.5 billion. $963 million of the spending is untraceable. 

Evers-Hillstrom , K., Weber , D., Massoglia , A., Mayersohn , A., Haley , G., Bryner , S., & Baumgart , A. (2020, January 14). More money, less transparency: A Decade under Citizens United. OpenSecrets. 

Center for Public Integrity and USA Today’s investigation indicated that 4,301 bills out of 10,000 were written by industries and 1,151 of those were written into law. In 2017, the Asbestos Transparency Act was supposed to benefit people who were infected with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure but it actually made compensation challenging.

O’Dell  R., & Penzenstalder, N.(2022, January 28). You elected them to write new laws. they’re letting corporations do it instead.Center for Public Integrity. 

In 2020, the private health care industry donated $308 million to Democrats and in 2024, they donated $93 million.

OpenSecrets (2024, June 21). Health Sector Total. OpenSecrets. 

Senators who are running for reelection this year raised $2,400 each day and House members raised $3,400 each day.  

Ratliff, A. (2022, July 20).The congressional fundraising treadmill: Six numbers to know from the latest Congressional Campaign Finance Filings. Issue One. 

In 2022, the oil and gas industry spent $124.4 million on federal lobbying and it shows with their record profits and 2022 was the highest for consumers. 

Sayki, I., & Cloutier , J. (2023, February 23). Oil and gas industry spent $124.4 million on federal lobbying amid record profits in 2022. OpenSecrets . 

87% of Americans are for the Anti-Corruption Act. 91% of Democrats and 83% of Republicans are for the Anti-Corruption Act.

RepresentUs.(2024, August 1).Unbreaking America: Sources. RepresentUs. 

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