
Future is Now Coalition

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The Mission

The Future Outlook

FiNC's Blueprint

Our blueprint includes a wide scope of offerings to change America’s political landscape and heal our flawed democracy. Changing the world, diminishing money in politics, and overcoming today’s contentious political climate will not be easy, and we have a complex, multi-dimensional plan to accomplish this. 

Below are the facets of FiNC, the various concepts and services designed to empower Americans to take back control and build a truly representative government.

Primary Goals

All Elections & Candidates

We hope to offer the same information and equal presentation of all major candidates across federal, state, and local elections.

Blockchain Encryption

Blockchain technology will help ensure our platform’s security and integrity by democratically storing user data on secure servers.

DD’s Social Media Networks

Digital Democracy will ultimately provide address verification, allowing representatives to talk directly to voters in their district. Our District Verification system (patent pending) promises to maintain user security across our social networks.

Building Civic Education

The FiNC Research Hub is our digital encyclopedia of information related to policy making. Our dedicated team will steadily produce research articles and other academic materials to educate on political topics and debate public policy.

Legal Department

We’re creating an Ethical Economic Ecosystem that puts people before profits. Non-profits can be corrupt and abandon their mission in the interest of profits.

Grow Outreach Team

Our outreach team is responsible for connecting us with potential partners. Over time, we plan to expand our outreach team to amplify our messaging.

Digital Democracy

A one-stop-shop for all your political information Digital Democracy (DD) is an online platform that will transform how voters assess candidates and make political choices.…

Digital Politics

DP is a political framework aimed at empowering Americans and addressing the flaws in our democracy. Our forefathers had a great vision for our country’s political system, but they expected us to continue improving it as society progressed. Unfortunately, this hasn‘t been happening. In fact, our system is getting worse due to factors such as ultra-partisanship, money in politics, and other policies that erode democracy.

By designing new political infrastructure, we can upgrade democracy to include True Citizen Representation, accountability of our leaders, and transcend partisan boundaries. Creating this new vision for America, alongside our corresponding tech platform (DD), will empower Americans to restore democracy and realign our goals to what our forefathers intended.

Digital Democracy

Our DD platform is a one-stop-shop for voters to learn about and engage with politicians, parties, and other political groups. The platform will showcase all politicians equally, giving every politician a voice to be heard regardless of the money they raise. It also includes Politician Report Cards to hold politicians accountable, a Political Matchmaker to connect you to candidates that represent you, and so much more.

This platform will make it easier for the average citizen to decide who to vote for, decide their stance on issues, and support politicians who otherwise would get buried by corporate interests and status-quo politicians.

DD will reinforce our vision for Digital Politics (DP) to change the political landscape forever by diminishing money and corporate influence, empowering grassroots efforts, and simplifying candidate information.

FiNC as a Media Outlet

We are well aware that the party leaders, mainstream media, and other established entities are not going to support our efforts; they will find FiNC a major threat with our goal to go beyond the status-quo, hold politicians accountable to the people, and diminish corporate influence on politics.

Rather than depending on these groups to represent us, we have decided to concentrate on expanding our social media presence and using the power of the internet to amplify our message. We are working on establishing a strong presence on various platforms including TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. Furthermore, we are creating our content such as podcasts to showcase a better blueprint for our country’s future.

As we build ourselves up as our own media outlet, we are simultaneously connecting with activists and independent media outlets to help champion our message. 

Our objective is to serve as a fair and neutral supporter of the American public. We strive to convey the authentic experiences of America and foster a two-way dialogue with citizens. By combining our social media outreach with other communication channels, we will consistently engage with Americans, understand their most significant issues, and continue to improve our narratives to accurately reflect public opinion.

FiNC as a Meta-Coalition

FiNC is not just an organization; it’s a meta-movement. There are many movements and coalitions in the world, and many do extraordinary things. But at this point in history, we need to take it up a notch.

We are creating a meta-coalition, a movement of movements bringing together various groups fighting for similar causes. These groups are working towards achieving progress and creating a better world for all Americans. However, they often allow their differences on minute details to divide them. This division leads to a separation of money, resources, and people power.

We want to bring these groups together under common goals: bring True Citizen Representation to the forefront, overcome money in politics, and combat misinformation with nonpartisan, universal truths.

We may never all agree on specific policies, but as long as money and corporate influences dictate politics, none of these groups will achieve their ultimate goals, and the will of the people will continue to go unrespected. We aim to put our differences aside and bring these groups together to champion a new way of doing politics. We want to fix our system first, and then we can debate specific issues once we all have an equal and fair voice at the table.

All of these groups will maintain their unique voices and autonomy to pursue their specific missions. Our goal is to encourage them to collaborate and support new political infrastructure and communication platforms. We aim to empower all groups and citizens on a massive, nationwide scale. 

FiNC will be the glue that brings these groups together to pave the way for the next generation of politics.

FiNC Research Hub

The Research Hub is our civic education platform designed to showcase political topics in new and innovative ways, making complex issues easier for the average American to understand and interpret. 

By providing free educational materials, objective analysis of current events, and non-partisan investigative reports, the Research Hub will advance our mission of encouraging American citizens to explore alternative solutions to the problems that have gripped the American government for decades. 

Additionally, the research rooted in transparency and facts will drive our Digital Politics efforts and social media campaigns, ensuring a consistent message across various platforms. 

Overall, the Research Hub will empower Americans with the information they need to decide for themselves where they should stand on all major issues.

A New Era of Democracy Starts with FiNC

Pillars of Transformation:
FiNC's Path to an Advanced Democracy

To effectively transform American democracy and achieve our ambitious mission, FiNC has laid the foundation with 4 essential pillars that guide us. These pillars represent the distinct dimensions of our transformative plan, each crucial in reshaping the political landscape and empowering citizens to participate in our movement – and our country’s governance. 

Explore the Pillars below:

Digital Politics

A philosophical approach to the political environment that goes beyond partisanship and demands more from our leaders, their parties, and our government.

Digital Politics

1) Transparency - What do candidates believe? Where do politicians get their money? What are they promising?
2) Accountability - What have our leaders accomplished – or failed to do? Have they kept their promises? Do they take responsibility for their mistakes?
3) Transcending Partisanship - What does the majority of the nation believe? What are the provable facts & figures surrounding our major socio-economic issues?
4) True Citizen Representation - What do the people want? Why are they asking for it? Why are issues that poll above 70% approval not being resolved? Where is the progress?
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Digital Democracy

A technology platform designed to deliver objective, indisputable, and data-focused political information on every candidate to help citizens make more informed democratic choices.

Digital Democracy

A) Prospective Info - Political Beliefs, Policy Positions, Campaign Promises

B) Retrospective Info - Campaign Funding, Voting Records, Approval Ratings, Finances & Investments
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Reframing Civics

A new vision for society where many perspectives are encountered, understood, and synthesized into positive actions that move our thinking forward as a nation.

Reframing Civics

1) Breaking “Us vs. Them” Cycles.
2) What Are All Our Perspectives?
3) Focusing on Communities.
4) Integrating Beliefs.
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Conscientious Ethos

A long-term goal for FiNC is an ethical reprioritization of our institutions, organizations, and corporations to better serve society.

Conscientious Ethos

-- More democratic ownership structures
-- More responsive leadership to changes in business and the economy
-- More total stakeholder concerns and less special interest catering
-- More of a focus on ethical practices and people before profits
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